If you spent any more than five minutes of your life clicking on demons and watching them explode into a mess of bloody guts, pick up a copy of this book and then drop what you are doing and consume it. -Bakuenryu!


Stay Awhile and Listen: How Two Blizzards Unleashed Diablo and Forged a Video-Game Empire - Book I

List price: $9.99. Written by David L. Craddock. Cover by Amie C. E. Kline. Edited by Andrew Magrath, Amie C. E. Kline and Monica Cesario. ISBN: 978-0-9884099-0-3

Available now for


The X-COM Files

Anticipated release: Summer/Fall 2014.

Stay Awhile and Listen: Book II

Anticipated release date: Summer 2015.

Stay Awhile and Listen: Book III

Release date: To be determined.